Farview is a global multi-strategy investment manager with offices in London, UK and São Paulo, Brazil, where it is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (“CVM”). We invest to deliver market-leading outcomes and diversified exposures for our investors in segments where active management can add meaningful value.

Independence, access to specialists and due diligence are key tenets of our approach.


Our partners have diverse backgrounds and deep experience in a variety of disciplines, including research, due diligence, and portfolio construction. They have served as investment committee chairs, board members, portfolio managers, risk managers and researchers – experience that is critical to maneuver in periods of calm and moments of crisis in the markets.

The team has built a consistent track record in manager selection and investment across similar multi-manager strategies, including responsibilities for a global investment platform with over $100 Billion in assets (multi-managers/UCITS).

Farview is 100% owned by its partners.


We operate as a “multi-manager” fund, sometimes referred to as a fund of funds, and our main goal is to offer global diversification across various investment strategies, asset classes, and management styles via investment in commingled funds and managed accounts. We’re deeply convinced that investment portfolios solely focused on a specific country, region or asset type have their constraints and can limit access to a broad array of diversified and uncorrelated assets.

In founding Farview, we intended to leap beyond those bounds by investing across the globe and crafting portfolios with international funds and managers.


Farview Global Alpha Fund aims to generate absolute returns in dollars by dynamically allocating investments across global liquid alternative strategies. The fund employs a thoughtful and disciplined portfolio construction approach, combining uncorrelated strategies across various asset classes. This strategy enhances diversification and reduces correlation with traditional assets.

To achieve its objective, the fund invests in market-neutral strategies with high-risk premium potential, including corporate events, credit, global equities, and convertible arbitrage. The fund relies on talented specialist teams who excel in identifying inefficiencies in asset classes with unique attributes and distinct risk and return drivers. These specialists are strategically integrated at the portfolio level to align with predetermined goals.


Beyond managing the Farview Global Alpha Fund, we also provide bespoke solutions for investors who hold significant assets. Our approach includes in-depth analysis and selection of funds, managing a platform (approved list of alternative investments) and ensuring comprehensive oversight of investments.

Our solutions, customizable to client needs, can be delivered through diverse formats such as UCITS, managed accounts, or structured within a fund or other vehicles as necessary. We cater to both families and institutions, aligning our strategies with their specific needs while adhering to regulatory and fiscal standards.


All our strategies are underpinned by the following guiding principles:

Long-term view: We value portfolio construction with unique exposures and uncorrelated returns for long-term impact. We focus on capturing the alternative risk premium rather than finding a singular star manager or a groundbreaking idea.

Global perspective: We believe that focusing solely on one region or country is restrictive. To counter this, we diversify our approach, steering clear of geographical limitations and collaborating with specialized groups for exposures beyond what ETFs can provide efficiently.

Alignment: We are co-investors in our own funds. Our independence supports impartial evaluations, free from ties to any counterpart or investment team with whom we invest.


Marcel Borelli

Paulo Del Priore

Colleen Myron

Oscar Guerra Filho

In this section, along with our quarterly letter, we provide content derived from our dialogues with different investment teams, highlighting our multi-manager approach and global diversification using a range of strategies across various regions and asset classes. Our aim is to deliver a detailed understanding of our investment process. For recent updates and commentary, you are invited to subscribe to the page via this link.

This material is intended for Institutional Investors, Qualified Investors and Investment Professionals. Not intended for retail public distribution.


Contact Farview

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, n° 3144
01451-000, São Paulo, Brasil

77 Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 8JA

FARVIEW INVESTIMENTOS LTDA. (“Farview”) is a company duly authorized by Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) to carry out the activity of managing securities portfolios, in the category “asset manager” and institution adhering to ANBIMA’s self-regulation codes. Farview does not sell or distribute shares of investment funds or any other financial asset. Farview is not responsible for errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the content of the information disclosed nor for investment decisions made based on this website. Farview International Limited, incorporated in England and Wales (registered number 09191631) is an Appointed Representative (with reference number 841650) of Connexion Capital LLP which is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). Nothing in this website should be construed as a recommendation to invest in any fund or other security or as the provision of legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, investment or other advice. Not all products and services offered are regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
Website by V/ZEROUM